So the raptor and his (some times raptor) parents went over to Cousin Kristi's. At cousin Kristi's, the raptor got a little distracted from his mission because of Sophie the dog. Raptor thought it was so fun to chase Sophie and get loves. He didn't give loves (like he normally did to his "puppy") instead he decided that the choke hold was a better move to conquer the pup. After his mom saw this - she de
cided it was time to give Sophie a break and head for the pool
So Raptor got on special big boy diapers and his new suit (after being reluctantly dragged to the bathroom) and they headed to the pool.
Once in the pool, Raptor met a new friend - Madilyn. She was a bit
older and liked to sit calmly in the pool with her mom. Rap
tor decided that she was using this big bathtub all wrong. He decided that he would show her how to splash and swim and chase the ball. He loved this water. It tasted a little funny and hurt his eyes a bit, but in this water - Mom & Dad could come in with him. Once he decided that this was his new favorite place - he would "chase" Mom or Dad and kick around and play "motor boat".
It was very fun.
But soon the fun ended - the sunscreen was getting washed off. Mom & Dad didn't know that water repellent and water proof were two different things. Raptor was turning pink and rubbing his eyes (this could also be due to the fact that it was nap time). So they got out of the big tub, went back to Sophie's house, changed, p
layed more with Sophie, and drove home.
After a half hour nap, Raptor woke up and was surprised to see his friend S.D. visiting. Raptor decided that it had been too long since they had played together and S.D. had
probably forgotten how loud Raptor could screech. So Raptor spent the next hour or so screeching and getting into trouble.
Then it was time for the ward BBQ. S.D. & Raptor got in their strollers and went over to the church. There was all kinds of yummy food but Raptor only wanted Cheetos and hot dog bun pieces. S.D. was a good eater and spent a long time eating all the food that Mom had cut up for the two of the boys.
After a couple forced bites of yucky "big boy food", Raptor realized that there was nothing else on the table he wanted to eat. He decided that he would go exploring to the "big kids". They were playing with water! Two big Tupperware had been filled with water and water toys. Raptor was SO excited! He decided that the big kids weren't splashing enough, so he showed them what the water was really for. Then the big kids went over to a tray where bubbles were. Raptor wanted to play too. But he got confused and thought that you use your hands to splash in the bubbles to make more. And then when that didn't wor
k, he tried to blow bubbles in the bubble solution. Dad caught him doing this and said "no no no." All the fun was gone. :(
Raptor was sad for a minute.
But then he realized that the water Tupperware/buckets were still there and he could still splash in them. He got soaking wet.
Finally his tummy started to grumble and unfortunately he threw up in one of the buckets. Dad had to throw that water out.
Minutes later there was a dessert auction for the young women in the ward. Mom & Dad won some awesome cupcakes that were made in ice cream cones and had awesome sticky green frosting with sprinkles. While Mom was trying to pass some out (and bribe the young men to be good), Raptor decided it was his turn. He stuck his hand into the frosting and then into his mouth. Then he got some frosting and put it in his hair. So Mom was balancing Raptor and this cupcake sheet while Raptor was showing Mom what the cupcakes were for.
Then they sat next to S.D. and each of the boys got a ice cream cone-shaped-cupcake. Neither wanted to hold the cone for themselves nor eat anything but the frosting. When Raptor's frosting ran out, he decided he would help S.D. eat his. Mom did not like this idea and said "no no no". Raptor got mad. (and we all know what happens when Raptor gets mad)..... SCREECH SCREECH. Everyone in the ward thought Raptor looked really cute covered in frosting and cupcake.
Mom ended up with cupcake all over her shirt and Dad got some on his too.
Needless to say, when they got home Raptor got another chance to "swim" in his bathtub before his nighttime routine.
The End
We had so much fun- I am so glad Raptor baby liked the pool so much. We'll have to have you guys over for pool volleyball or something soon- maybe when Mike and Allie get back in town (and Jenny, Skeet & Allie etc) we could have another cousin night. Anyway thanks so much for coming over, I'm looking forward to more water activities with you tomorrow night at 24:)
He is so stinking cute. Love the frosting pic! He is 100% boy...except for that anorexic bit of throwing up in the bucket...but maybe he did it because that is gross and that is what boys do.
Your blog is so cute! Love the cute pictures too.
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