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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When it rains, it pours....

I love summer rain showers. To me there is nothing better than the smell of the earth cooling off after a warm day or the smell of wet sage brush (John can't smell either - he thinks it just smells like wet dog everywhere).
The last three days we have had it rain on and off.
Last night Buddy and I got caught in a storm while driving home (the whole 3 blocks) from the church. It was pouring so hard - I was amazed that much could come down all at once. So we ran from our car to the apartment. Buddy was breathing really fast and a little freaked out. "Mom, why are we taking a shower: with our clothes on, outside, and in cold water. I'm confused."
Once in our apartment, we were soaked. But he looked so cute (I'll upload pics later). Then I opened the windows and helped him climb up on the top of the futon and he watched in fascination as it continued to pour (with thunder and lightening) for over 5 minutes. He loved it! He was banging on the screen and then he would look at me for reassurance, just darling.
Needless to say with all the emotional raining that I have been feeling in my life, running 10 feet in the rain did my heart good. :)