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Thursday, October 15, 2009


It was nice fall weather today. The ever-present wind wasn't actually too cold and there were times that I was outside without my jacket on. We went to a park in Shelley and Buddy had a blast on the "weeee" (as he calls the swings and slide). He also discovered the merry-go-round. Picture this: I'm trying to hold him (and have him sit down) while I'm "pushing" us with one of my legs. I'm sure it looked really bizarre to the other family that was there at the same time. So I sat him down in the middle, put his arms around one of the poles, and walked the merry-go-round around. But that lasted for 0.5 seconds. Buddy wanted to stand up and walk around. He thought it was SO funny to walk to the opposite side that I was on - meanwhile I'm trying to be on all sides so he doesn't walk off. Needless to say he kept coming back to the merry-go-round and we ended up spending 1/2 hour or so on it.

On our way home we stopped at Kings (a 70's version of Walmart - with toys, household items, yard items, holiday items, and some really weird clothing). I got a mat to put under Buddy's highchair because even though he knows that throwing food & utensils is a "no no" he still does it anyway. Oh & yesterday he learned to say the word "NO" so now he throws the food (or whatever) and then says "no no no". Lovely. I also got some Razzles. I've never tried them before today and I have to say I didn't really miss out on anything. Their slogan is "candy that turns into a gum" but I think they're really just old flat pieces of gum. It kind of crumbles in your mouth and then if you keep chewing it your saliva turns it into a really chewy, flavor that's gone in 2 minutes, hard gum. But I had to try them - since 13 going on 30 is one of my favorite shows.

Does my tongue look Razzle Red?