On our way home we stopped at Kings (a 70's version of Walmart - with toys, household items, yard items, holiday items, and some really weird clothing). I got a mat to put under Buddy's highchair because even though he knows that throwing food & utensils is a "no no" he still does it anyway. Oh & yesterday he learned to say the word "NO" so now he throws the food (or whatever) and then says "no no no". Lovely. I also got some Razzles. I've never tried them before today and I have to say I didn't really miss out on anything. Their slogan is "candy that turns into a gum" but I think they're really just old flat pieces of gum. It kind of crumbles in your mouth and then if you keep chewing it your saliva turns it into a really chewy, flavor that's gone in 2 minutes, hard gum. But I had to try them - since 13 going on 30 is one of my favorite shows.
Does my tongue look Razzle Red?

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