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Friday, January 22, 2010

My body doesn't like my 1 a.m. reading

I still remember clicking off the light, putting my book aside, and pretending to be asleep whenever I would hear my parents come down the stairs. I felt lucky because my room had a built in alarm system to whenever someone might be coming to mae sure I was in bed.
Now that I have a place of my own, I can stay up and read to my hearts content - ha ha ha . The only consequence is how I feel the next day (to which I always vow to go to bed earlier). That and the fact that Buddy doesn't care how late I've stayed up- or what I was doing - it's time to get up MOM!
Well I'm showered & semi ready for the day - it's 9:20. I really should have saved finishing that book for today - my body would have felt better. Oh well. Lesson learned. At least until the next book. (and then I'll go to bed by midnight, I promise)


Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true book worm.

Sharon said...

You have to take "your time" when you can get it! Love you

Brent and Jessica said...

I love reading...and I always get mad when I end up falling asleep in the middle of the page and lose my spot!