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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I think I can..(with Mom's help)

Hey guys -

Today was another Tuesday and I got to go to Book Babies. We actually made it on time today (no thanks to Mom - she is so hard to get ready & get out the door in the morning) so we got a seat and got to listen to the whole thing. I was a little mad because I wanted to read the lion book but Mom made me wait until the librarian had read it to the group - what a party pooper.

After library (with the awesome fishes and tons of books to pull off the shelves), lunch (cookies and chicken nuggets), and nap - we went to this cool place called McDonalds. I've been there before, but that was months ago.

This time I got Mom to come all the way up the winding tunnels with me. But I climbed all by myself - I only needed her there to encourage me and take all the static away (with her crazy hair sticking up)!

Isn't that awesome! I am just getting bigger every day. Pretty soon I won't need her to follow up all the way up - which is good because she likes to just sit at the bottom (even though that is REALLY boring).

Off to sneak in some youtube before Mom catches me on her computer.

Love you,


Sharon said...

Buddy, you have the best mom ever!!! You are a very lucky boy