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Friday, January 21, 2011

My name is Becky and I have an addiction.....

So packing up & dejunking has made me realize a few things:

1. It's easier to do for someone who is not attached to the junk. And I'm a lot more attached than I thought I would be to stuff that really is just junk (probably wouldn't even qualify for a goodwill donation).

2. I really wish that the new company would pack for us like the old company who moved us here did. The only thing I had to pack was our underwear (cause I didn't want them to do that) and liquids/perishables. I was SO spoiled. They wrapped EVERYTHING (including a package of plastic bendy straws that we had in our kitchen) and transported it to our new place. It was AMAZING.

3. I have some addictions.
I am addicted to scrapbook paper. I haven't bought a TON since moving here, knowing how much I have and how long it will take me to use it all. But I have purchased some. It's hard - it's so cute or pretty. I don't even know what I'll use it for, I just see a pretty pattern and have to have it. Utah was bad for me in this aspect because there are a couple scrapbook warehouses that have sales down there. I just have to stay away from those & any craft store.

I am addicted to books. Mostly children's books but literature anthologies as well. Buddy has a closet & a 2 shelf bookshelf full. Plus I have a box half way full with older kids (like first grade and older) books. I blame this addiction on my love for reading, my desire for my children to love to read, goodwill and garage sales, and my dad. When I was young and brought home one of my first book orders (how awesome were those by the way?) my dad said to me "will you read it? Because I will buy you any quality book (probably ruling out smutty romances, which the closest I've got to reading those are Twilight series) that you will read and take care of. This was amazing because he was still in school and my parents didn't have a lot of money. Needless to say I had almost all (minus 3 I think) of the Babysitters Club books (up to #100, then they got old) as well as tons of Sweet Valley Twins, some Boxcar Children.... well you get the point. Later on, when my frugality gene kicked in, I realized "hey you can borrow books & read them for free from the library." Yeah I don't know why I didn't realize this until later, but eventually I did so my parents pocketbook had a break.
Good news is that although I had a brief addiction to &, I realized that no one is ever going to want some of the books I was holding on to and so they got sent to goodwill. But that was only one box. We seriously have over six full, waiting to be moved to our next adventure.

I am addicted to frames. Anyone who knows me or who has been to my house knows that I am NO decorator. I probably have three picture frames up in my house now (which we have lived in for over a year). But I'm addicted to frames. They, too, are SO pretty. I realized this addiction years ago and have stopped going down the frame isle at Shopko or any store that I go to because I know I'll find something pretty. Who knows what pictures to place in these beauties? The pressure for the great picture to go with the great frame is too much. So the frames sit. Empty. But beautiful all the same.

I also like bags/purses (have a box of those). The diaper bag thing has fueled this a little for me but I wouldn't say I'm addicted.

Oh well. Some women like shoes, some like jewelry, some just like shopping in general. My name is Becky and I'm addicted to scrapbook paper, books, and frames.