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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Blogging Hiatus

It's been over a month since I've posted to this blog. Why?

* I don't really feel like we've done much. House is still for sale in Idaho. I'm still struggling with motherhood (will this ever not be a struggle). We still feel "new" here in this area (even though we've been here for 4 months.
*Being the mother of two boys is exhaustingly nonproductive. If I get one thing cleaned, its been a successful day.
* I'm lazy and spend my free time watching LOST with John (we stopped somewhere after season 3 so we are watching it all over again) or at the pool with the family (which Turtle - aka Baby J - doesn't like cause most times he is stuck watching) or mindlessly searching the internet for the next coupon (or contest or freebie).

What has gone on in the last 2 months?
*Turtle is growing. He is eating food & loves it :). He will surpass Buddy - no problem. He still won't take the bottle or binky at all - so I have to stay close (which some days is fine to let him tag along - other days it drives me nuts).
*I'm looking into preschool for Buddy. Even though he's only 3, he needs some more interaction with kids & I'm sick of him asking "what are we going to do today mom?" he will hopefully go part time in the fall
* I work at home for a pest control company taking calls. Which is nice cause I get to stay home with the kids. Annoying because I have some customers who act like kids. And I get paid like a kid ($2/call). But it's nice to have some splurge money.
*Buddy & I have been on garage sale adventures almost every Saturday. Hey - if the kids wake me up I might as well score some cheap clothes or something.
*Because of the garage saling - John has accused me of being a hoarder. To which I was a little upset. Then he said "ok you're not a hoarder - just no more furniture in the garage or house ok?" (I have a dresser, desk, mirror & bulletin board in the garage awaiting inspiration (and some kind of paint).

So that is why. In case you care. Which, of course you do - because you are reading this. :)


Sharon said...

Yes I do care! and Love you