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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

random, I know

I've developed a new habit at work. When it's not busy I go to Google and search blogs for random things like : Idaho mom, salt lake city, Idaho falls, etc.
It's actually quite entertaining and it gives me some ideas of things going on and things to do.

In other news - Buddy took his first steps on Sunday. John & I were taking a nap and Mike was watching him. With the help of his lawnmower (a b-day gift from gma) he took a couple of steps - by himself. Of course when we woke up and Mike tried to show us, Buddy was uncooperative.

We are SO lucky to have Mike nearby. He has been filling in almost every day - either when we're both at work, running errands, or just need an extra two hands at church. And Buddy, of course, loves his "favorite" :)

Our regular sitter quit a month ago (got pregnant & was having fainting spells). We've been searching our ward, craigslist, and other online searches. I'm working 3 days a week now for insurance and trying to get my bod into shape for the weddings & my h.s. reunion this August - which puts a strain on our family, but I'm lucky enough to have a good support system (Buddy even went to ID a couple of weeks ago to be with gma because we couldn't find a sitter).

When I'm not away - Buddy and I try to get some exploring done (in between housework and naps). It's hard to believe that we've lived here for 3+ years and I haven't seen some of the common sites.

Other than that - we're loving the weather and try to count our blessings every day.
Until next time..... blog stalk someone new today. :)


debi said...

I wish I was up there to play with Buddy! We would have a great time. I'll be back in July. (I hope) I would love to see you guys!! Keep me posted on all the things you are doing. Have fun this summer. Love, Debi