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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Didn't think I'd ever miss the foot of snow on the ground

Went to Arctic Circle today to visit their play area. Didn't plan on going there but after we went to the park, I decided the $1 rootbeer float was worth it.
It's true that you don't know what you've got until it's gone. I've been complaining and moaning all winter because it's cold and it's snowy here. We went to the park last week and made sure to wear our boots because of the snow everywhere. But it was actually kind of nice because there wasn't the usual bitter-cold wind and the snow was solid / hard (not the kind you sink into or the powdery mess) and it wasn't on the play structures - just all around it. Like a white, hard play mat.
Well today we went and the warmer temperatures have made the white play mat transform into a lake of bark. The grassy area (which was the same hard snow with a little path where people had trudged through it) had been transformed into a marshy, muddy, gloop with trash & decomposing leaves everywhere. I drew the line when I saw a squirel at the base of a tree. Well it was the squirell head/front (the little paws poised like it was ready to climb) and the squirell tail - the rest was missing / decomposing. ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
Needless to say, Buddy wasn't thrilled about leaving the (nasty) park and it took some major coaxing on my part. Once we got to the fast food play area, it was a much better afternoon. Plus the rootbeer float was a nice treat.