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Thursday, March 25, 2010

First Day Observations in a New Experiment

Today is my first day of a new experiment: being a mother of two. No, I haven't had another quite yet. We're going to watch a baby once (or twice) a week and see how it goes.
Buddy was ok with Baby. He, of course, wanted his blanket and a bottle of milk when the baby got one. And there was a time where Buddy was covering his ears (while Baby was crying). When Baby went down for his morning nap, Buddy was concerned that he couldn't find Baby until I showed him that Baby was sleeping in the crib. Baby didn't sleep long - he's not used to the noise level that exists here in our house.
I have forgotten how much I longed for an extra hand when Buddy was an infant. I think that we should be able to grow an extra arm and hand and then it goes away when not in use. Luckily Mike came by (after a subbing job) around lunch and got Buddy to eat some more (since Baby decided he was hungry at the same time Buddy's mac & cheese was ready).
I also forgot how loud a baby's poop is. He had two explosion sounds and I thought for sure we would have a blow out but no, there was just a yellow goo in the diaper. Buddy didn't want to feel left out and his diaper was WAY worse than Baby's. (I can' believe I'm blogging about poop - I guess I'm officially a mom).
But both are down now and we've reached a half-way point for the day. I haven't done anything except make my bed, do the dishes, care for the kids, eat a quick bowl of noodles, and now blog. But who says moms have to be productive? Dinner is soup that I made, then froze - so that's taken care of. Maybe I'll go do some chores now or maybe I'll sneak in a chapter of two of my book.
Until tomorrow.... :)


Sharon said...

I am glad your day went well.

Brent and Jessica said...

That sounds like fun! Hope things continue to go well and that Buddy likes the baby!