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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Talking in his sleep

Buddy's nightime friends include: his blanket, a bottle (with water in it), one of his stuffed animals, and a matchbox car or a hand sized ball. It's just easier to get him to sleep if he has all of these things and if he spends a while playing withe the car or ball then we usually don't care (less than an hour or we go in & take it away). Well tonight it was a ball - a little practice golfball (the kind that look like mini wuffle balls - with a bunch of holes in them. I got those to replace the golf balls he had in SL because our wood floors weren't as fond of them as he was (they are the perfect size for his hand). We went to go tuck him in before going to bed & as usual we found him in an awkward position (how he falls asleep with his head against the wood rails I"ll never know). John picked him up, flipped him over, and the ball came loose. How did we know the ball came loose? Because Buddy said "Baa Ball" (for some reason he calls all balls basket or "baa" balls). It took all the control we had to keep our giggles quiet enough not to wake him.
Maybe you had to be there.... but it was cute.


Anonymous said...

Your story made me feel like I was there -- and it is totally cute. :) My son is 4 and he also enjoys having "stuff" with him at bedtime. In fact, we put a little basket on his headboard to collect his treasures. We love to listen to him play before bed. Little boys are wonderful, aren't they? Thanks for sharing your story.
Happy writing, Ruth