1. I have gone weeks at a time without watching or reading any news - sometimes it is just depressing and since we only get local channels - the national news is on during dinner time. (Yesterday on the 10:00 p.m. local news the feature story was about someone pulling out a gun on a police officer at a typical traffic stop - yep one exciting town.)
2. I always eat something sweet after dinner. Bad habit but a necessity for my pallet.
3. I told someone that K was my friend even though I can't stand her. The lady asked me "who told you about us" and I couldn't say "oh this snobby lady in my church mentioned your program after I asked her about it twice."
4. I think that I created this blog post just to continue my slice of life streak and to link to friday confessional. I hope I can make it the full month for SOL and not bore you to death.
I like this idea of a "Friday Confessional".
Lol I would have loved to see that persons face if you would have really said that hahaha
I love that! Snobby ladies are the bestest!!! If they only knew that we don't really like them or think that they are cool either.
hmmm...I hate the news, too! It seems like there's always a bunch of stories to make you think, "Hide the children! We're all gonna DIE!"
Aaah, thanks for playing, you are awesome
Came by from Glamazon's place.. Ha on not telling the woman the truth. But didn't ya want to lol..
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